John Renshaw
John Renshaw is an independent consultant and author of “The Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco: Identity and Economy”

John Renshaw is an independent social development consultant with extensive experience in social safeguards, working in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe.
He has worked for major multilateral institutions, including the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank (IBRD), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), conducting strategic studies and the preparation, implementation, supervision, and evaluation of a wide range of development projects.
The main areas covered by his work are poverty reduction, including rural and urban development; social security and social investment funds; the social aspects of environmental projects, including protected areas, social forestry, watershed management, and irrigation projects; the social inclusion of Indigenous Peoples; resettlement and mitigation of the social impacts of large-scale infrastructure projects; public health, including primary health care, water and sanitation, vector control and urban upgrading projects; and census, surveys and population studies.
He currently lives in the United Kingdom.